Friday, January 16, 2015

High blood pressure or hypertension

How did my high blood pressure become hypertension?

Retrieved from

"You say tomato, I say tomäto,
You say potato, I say potäto ….."
Just like Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong discovered, while there may be more than one way to express an idea, it doesn’t change what the idea is!
High blood pressure and hypertension are just 2 ways of saying the same thing.
So if the doctor tells you that you are hypertensive, this is just another word that means you have high blood pressure.
High blood pressure and hypertension both mean that the blood in your body is behaving more like water going through a pressure washer hose than water running through the garden hose. Your heart is like the faucet that adjusts the flow of water, or in this case, blood. The faucet is attached to a hose. In your body, your heart is attached to tubes called arteries that carry blood to all parts of your body. If the faucet pumps more blood into the hose, or the hose becomes smaller, the pressure inside the hose will go up. The same thing happens inside your body. If your heart pumps more blood into the arteries, or the insides of the arteries become smaller, than the pressure will increase inside your arteries.  
But I guess the most important question that you might want to understand is why has your blood pressure changed? For answers to these questions, your health care provider will look to your day-to-day living choices as well as your parent’s and grandparent’s health histories. The choices we make each day can influence our blood pressure. But for some people, their family history also is an important part of why their blood pressure is going up. This is the time for you and your doctor to work together -- like Sherlock and Watson -- learning what causes your high blood pressure and how you can lower it.

Why should you care if your blood pressure is high? What a great question! High blood pressure can actually affect many areas of your future health. People who develop high blood pressure and ignore it are at a higher risk for other diseases with your heart and arteries, the "hoses of your body". High blood pressure is the #1 leading cause of strokes!
Want to know more about high blood pressure and your body? This video may answer many of your questions!
Retrieved from

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