Saturday, February 7, 2015

High Blood Pressure -- Signs and Symptoms

Dear Mom,

Yes, Mom, it is not uncommon for patients to be surprised when they hear they have high blood pressure (or hypertension as the doctors like to call it!).  The reason is that high blood pressure rarely has any recognizable symptoms. (1)  Most people walk around this earth feeling just fine, and then one year they have their annual checkup and learn their blood pressure is high.  This is so common!  

Of course there is the rare case when an individual develops a severe headache, severe anxiety, nosebleed or just can't catch their breath because of high blood pressure.  These people are usually in a hypertensive crisis and someone needs to call 911 right away.  Either the difference between their systolic pressure and their diastolic pressure is high or the systolic is above 180 or the diastolic is above 110.(1) Remember systolic is when the heart muscle pushes the blood out of the heart on its journey through the body and diastolic is when your heart muscle takes a break between pumps.

This is why high blood pressure is often called "The Silent Killer", because it is rarely felt by the person.

I can't emphasize enough how important it is for people to have their annual check-up with their health care provider.  I know you and dad are very faithful about seeing your doctor at least annually.  Please encourage your friends to do so as well.  If they can't see a doctor for some reason, encourage them to go to a pharmacy that has a blood pressure machine.  Most are free and if their blood pressure is different than 120/80, they can talk to the pharmacist about what to do.

And remember, even when people have not been diagnosed with high blood pressure, it is a good idea for them to take their blood pressure monthly -- again the machine at the pharmacy is a good place to go.  The reason I say this is because, our blood pressure can sometimes increase just because of a stressful day.  When a person takes their blood pressure regularly, they get to know their blood pressure range -- this is an important step in taking care of ourselves!

So Mom, when you went to the doctor, he measured different aspects of your body and the fluids in your body to look for signs of high blood pressure.  With this disease, signs are more telling than symptoms!  Here is a list of exams or tests that your doctor might have done to look for signs of (diagnosing) your high blood pressure:

-- Physical exam including your blood pressure and an eye exam


--Blood tests (BMP, CBC, Serum lipid profile, serum uric acid)

-- 12-lead ECG (measuring the impulses of your heart) (2)

Mom, I hope this helps and let me know what other questions you may have about hypertension:)


(1)  Understand Your Risk for High Blood Pressure. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2015, from

(2)  Lewis, S., Dirksen, S., Heitkemper, M., Bucher, L., & Harding, M. (2014). Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems (9th ed., p. 715). St. Louis: Elsevier Mosby.

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